Evidence of Traumatic Brain Injuries Spur New Football Helmet Design
During this current football season, and throughout the past year or more, much has been reported about the increasing evidence of head and brain injuries sustained by former professional football players. Even the two biggest manufacturers are getting involved as they look for ways to improve player safety.
Concussions and Worse
Until recently, getting one’s “bell rung” was a common injury sustained while participating in football that did not seem to require much concern. However, those involved in the medical diagnosis and treatment of head injuries brought to light the serious effects of sustaining a concussion. Through the course of these revelations, it was learned that many players, at all levels of the game, had sustained multiple concussions over the course of their playing careers.
Research on the brains of deceased former players revealed a startling new development, the many had developed Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). This is described as a degenerative brain disease found in those who suffered repetitive brain injuries, with the most cases found in those who had played football. The results of which seemed to have an effect on balance, memory and other cognitive skills, which led to suicide in some cases.
While previously medical professionals could identify the presence of CTE on the brains of deceased specimens, researchers recently announced they had identified the disease in the brain of a living, ex-professional football player.
Can New Helmets Help?
Two of the country’s largest manufacturers of football helmets have begun testing new product designs in the hopes of increasing player safety. Illinois-based Ridell and Schutt are competing in what amounts to a race to build the safest football helmet. Spurred by the research and revelations of growing incidents of CTE among football players, these, and other smaller manufacturers, are funneling more and more money into technology and research as part of the design and helmet manufacturing process.
Although many believe the inherent violent nature of football, and the tendency of players to instinctively tackle while leading with their head, play a greater role in brain trauma, equipment suppliers like Ridell and Schutt hope their innovations will increase player safety.
Discuss Your Options with a Knowledgeable Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney
As more becomes known about the role head to head impacts occurring during a football game or practice may have on injuries sustained to one’s head or brain, researchers, players, and other stakeholders have a responsibility to understand all the risks and consequences. The Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. provide experienced representation for the victims of head, brain, and other traumatic injuries. Schedule a free consultation when you call 630-665-5678 and learn how you will benefit from their experience in such matters.
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