Can I Recover Financial Compensation If I Was in a Hit-and-Run Car Accident?
Although most people do not anticipate becoming a car-crash victim on their daily commutes, motor vehicle accidents occur each day. Car accidents can lead to life-long injuries and can often be fatal. During a car accident, it is important for all of the parties involved to remain at the scene of the crash until police arrive, receive medical attention, and identify the reason for the accident. Police will make a report on the accident that can assist with filing an insurance claim or seeking compensation for injuries resulting from the crash. However, how can a car accident victim proceed in suing for the injuries sustained from an accident if the other party flees the scene?
What is a Hit-and-Run Accident?
A hit-and-run accident refers to any sort of vehicular accident where the person at fault flees the scene. Typically, hit-and-run accidents look like:
The at-fault driver drives away from the car accident after hitting another driver
A driver bumps another car and flees before the other party becomes aware of the crash
A driver flees after hitting a pedestrian with their vehicle
It is illegal in the state of Illinois to flee the scene of a car accident. Unless an involved party is removed from the scene to seek immediate medical attention, all drivers must remain by their vehicles to give a statement to law enforcement. Depending on the injuries sustained by the victim in the accident, fleeing the scene may result in a felony charge.
People tend to flee the scene of an accident for fear they may get into legal trouble. This makes hit-and-run accidents more likely if the faulty party was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, had previous charges, or had illegal items in their vehicle.
How Can I Receive Personal Injury Compensation?
Car accidents can be both frightening and incredibly serious. Injuries can range from mild whiplash and bruising to fractured bones, traumatic brain injuries and, in the worst cases, a wrongful death. Even if the driver that hit you or your vehicle flees the scene, you may still be entitled to compensation to help alleviate the financial burdens from medical expenses and other damages. A skilled personal injury attorney may be able to help obtain compensation even if the driver flees the scene by:
Obtaining traffic camera footage
Interviewing other drivers involved or near the crash
Using surveillance camera footage from nearby buildings and stores
Using police reports
Hit-and-run accident victims may be able to seek compensation through their own insurance company. However, insurance companies often try to minimize payouts. A personal injury lawyer can help you fight for the full compensation you need and deserve.
Find a Wheaton Car Accident Lawyer
If you are a victim of a hit-and-run car accident looking for a way to receive compensation for your injuries, Bloomingdale, Illinois personal injury attorney David W. Clark may be able to help you. At Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C., our attorney has over 20 years of experience fighting for his clients’ rights in personal injury cases, including obtaining rightful compensation for car accident injuries. To schedule a free initial consultation with us, call 630-665-5678 today to discuss the elements of your case.
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Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.