Does Illinois Workers' Compensation Cover Head Injuries?
When someone falls and breaks their arm, the extent of the injury is usually apparent immediately. An x-ray can further assess the damage. From there, the patient undergoes surgery, rehabilitation, and other medical treatments needed to heal the broken arm.
Unfortunately, head injuries are much more elusive. The brain is a complex organ, and even doctors have difficulty assessing the full extent of an injury. That’s why it’s important to seek immediate medical attention after sustaining any kind of blow to the head, even if you don’t feel like you’re injured. Head injuries and brain injuries can also cause a wide range of symptoms, including many that are difficult if not impossible to prove with a CT scan, X-ray, or similar diagnostic test.
If you suffered a head or brain injury at work while conducting work duties, you may be entitled to financial reimbursement through workers' compensation. However, the process of getting the compensation you need may be challenging.
Brain Injury Symptoms After a Work Accident
Common symptoms of a brain injury may not appear until days or even weeks after the accident that caused the injury. For example, someone who falls and hits their head at work may seem fine immediately afterwards and may even refuse medical attention. But a few days later, they could experience any of the following symptoms:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Tinnitus
- Sleep problems
- Light and sound sensitivity
- Changes in mood or behavior
- Difficulty with problem solving, judgment, and understanding information
- Reduced attention and concentration
- Memory problems
These symptoms can make it hard to work, take care of yourself, and enjoy your life. You may need to miss work for weeks or months, leaving you without an income. Workers' compensation may cover part of your lost wages as well as your doctor's visits and other medical expenses.
Getting Reimbursement Through Workers' Compensation
In order to get workers' compensation for a head or brain injury, you need to take certain steps:
- Report the injury to your employer as soon as possible. You should do this even if you don’t think the injury is serious and even if you don’t have symptoms yet.
- Get medical attention right away. This is important not only for your health, but also because you need documentation of the injury to file a workers' compensation claim.
- Follow your doctor’s orders. If your doctor tells you to stay home from work or limits your activities, follow those orders. Otherwise, your workers' compensation claim could be denied.
- File a workers' compensation claim. You need to do this within 45 days of the accident that caused your injury, or you could lose your right to benefits.
- Cooperate with your employer and the insurance company. You will need to provide information about the accident and your injuries, but be careful not to give too much information. It’s best to consult with an experienced workers' compensation attorney before giving a recorded statement to an insurance company adjuster.
If your employer or the insurance company denies your claim, you have the right to appeal. An experienced workers' compensation attorney can help you navigate the appeals process and fight for the benefits you need and deserve.
Contact a DuPage County Workers' Compensation Attorney Today
If you or a loved one sustained a head or brain injury at work, contact an experienced Wheaton workers' compensation attorney David W. Clark for help with your claim. Mr. Clark can help you understand your rights and options and will fight to get you the benefits you need.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.