How to File for Workers Compensation as a Delivery Driver in Illinois
Delivery truck drivers are often exposed to extreme elements on the roads. From car accidents on slippery black ice to carpal tunnel from long, uncomfortable drives, truck drivers who experience an injury on the job can file for workers’ compensation. In the state of Illinois, worker's compensation claims can yield significant financial damages to an injured driver. If you are a truck driver who was injured on the job, workers’ compensation lawyer can help you fight for your rights.
Types of Workplace Injuries on the Road
There are a variety of injuries that can occur on the job as a delivery driver, especially in the state of Illinois. Typically, truck driver injuries are a result of unsuitable weather conditions leading to an accident, vehicle malfunction and bodily injury from long drives. The following list explains the most common types of injuries that delivery drivers can use to file for workplace compensation:
Injury from a car accident — Due to the nature of being a truck driver, there is a high risk of being in a car accident. Car accidents can occur from bad weather, another driver, or vehicular malfunction.
Bodily strain from long drives — Sitting in one position for hours, and sometimes, days can cause serious strain on the body. Long-term truck drivers often experience chronic back and neck pain, muscle strains and carpal tunnel syndrome after concentrating for long periods while driving. Since these are injuries related to the nature of the job, truck drivers suffering from these conditions can file for compensation.
Injury from climbing in and out of a truck — If a driver falls while getting in or out of the truck on the job, they may be able to receive damage payments. This type of injury often results in medical bills and an inability to work leading to a critical need for financial assistance.
Injury from lifting packages — Muscular or bone injuries such as strains, sprains and breaks can occur from lifting heavy packages on the job.
How to File for Workers Compensation
In the state of Illinois, those looking to file for workplace injury compensation have three years to file their claim after the date of the injury. A workers’ compensation attorney can assist you in obtaining the proper paperwork to fill out and submit to the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission. Once this file has been submitted, the commission will email or mail over all of the necessary information to track your case. This includes who will be the arbitrator on your case as well as the date for your first status call to determine the nature of your workplace injury. This process can be difficult to navigate without the help of an experienced attorney, especially if your case moves to trial.
Find a Wheaton Workers' Compensation Lawyer
At Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C., our DuPage County workers’ compensation attorney is skilled in filing and securing workplace compensation for personal injury cases. We offer a free initial consultation to help you begin this legal process. Call us today at 630-665-5678 to schedule an appointment today.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.