Jobs Where Repetitive Stress Injuries Are Most Common
When your job involves making the same movements or performing the same tasks every day, it may be easy to fall into a routine. You may not even notice the minor pain which is slowly developing. However, repetitive motion at a job has the potential to cause serious medical conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, bulging discs, lower back injuries, tendonitis, and bursitis. Not every worker is at risk for these injuries equally. Some jobs are more prone to cause repetitive injuries than others. No matter what your line of work is, if you have suffered a repetitive stress injury or any other workplace, it is important that you contact an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer.
Common Repetitive Stress Injury Jobs
While injuries caused by repetitive motion may seem minor at first, they can develop into more serious medical conditions. Depending on your job and the motions involved, they can affect any part of your body. Here are some of the most common types of jobs that tend to produce repetitive stress injuries:
Office jobs, including clerical and coding jobs, involve constant typing. Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly associated with these jobs.
Manufacturing jobs that involve tasks on an assembly line. These jobs can produce carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as tendonitis and other injuries.
Construction jobs involving building or demolition. Employees in these jobs tend to suffer lower back injuries, bulging discs, and other larger muscle injuries, but any type of condition is possible.
Any stationary job where you spend long amounts of time in one position.
All these jobs involve tasks where you are using the same muscles, joints, or other parts of your body repeatedly, often with stress on them. With this repetition, injuries can develop over time, or pre-existing conditions can be aggravated. Once the situation becomes too painful, you may end up needing medical attention and may even miss work. If you are in this situation, you may be entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim to help pay for your medical bills and reimburse you for the salary you’ve lost.
Contact a Bloomingdale Repetitive Stress Injury Lawyer
If you are suffering from a repetitive motion injury from your employment, contact a DuPage County workers’ compensation attorney at the Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C.. We understand the workers’ compensation process and can help assess your case. Our attorneys are dedicated to getting you the compensation that you deserve for your repetitive stress injury or any other workplace injury. Call us today at 630-665-5678 to set up a free initial consultation.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.