Occupational Mesothelioma
Workplace accidents and illnesses result from a variety of incidents and sources. In the past, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly the reason for occupational disease and illness, but medical and scientific advances have helped blue collar workers gain reimbursement for hospital bills as well as compensation for lost wages and living expenses.
Asbestos-Related Illness
Asbestos once was heralded as a building material breakthrough that could help prevent the spread of fires and would make buildings safer. It was used extensively throughout schools, commercial buildings, multi-family buildings and other structures in which a large number of people might accumulate. Although there may have been warning signs early on, it was not until the 1940s that some began linking asbestos exposure to incidents of cancer.
A number of occupations have reported a high percentage of incidents of cancer related to asbestos exposure. Those include:
- Construction;
- Building demolition and remodeling;
- Mechanics; and
- Machinists.
Although asbestos was used to insulate electrical wiring, and woven into concrete to help resist fire and heat, the eventual breakdown and resulting dust are now believed to be a leading cause of cancer to those who inhale the dust.
Recently, reports of mesothelioma among navy veterans has caused concern for men and women who served their country as a member of the United States Navy. The new studies related to this development indicate a number ways in which navy veterans may have been exposed to asbestos during their time in the service.
- While assigned to a naval shipyard;
- While working on a ship in preparation for deployment;
- Working on a ship as part of the decommissioning procedure; and
- As a crew member on a ship during deployment.
It is believed that all of these assignments exposed members of the United States Navy to varying levels of asbestos, which was used in the manufacturing of naval vessels, and may contribute to or be the cause of mesothelioma among naval veterans.
An Experienced Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney
The experience of losing a loved one due to negligence is painful and emotionally draining. Often times a person does not know where to turn. A Bloomingdale personal injury lawyer with applicable knowledge, experience and resources will ensure you obtain the emotional and financial support to which you and your family are entitled. For an initial review of your case with the Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. just call 630-665-5678 and schedule a meeting to learn how we help ease the strain of such a stressful experience.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.