Steps to Take After You Are Injured at Work
It does not matter what industry you work in - there is always a chance that you can injure yourself at work. The first 24 hours after you injure yourself are crucial - your actions can determine how easy it will be to claim your workers’ compensation benefits and how strong of a claim you have. By taking the appropriate actions after a workplace injury, you can help make your worker’s compensation process a little bit easier.
Get Medical Help
The first thing you should do after you are injured at work is seek necessary medical attention, though where you get it from can be important. If your employer has a Preferred Provider Program (PPP), you should choose a doctor or hospital that is a part of that program. You have the choice of two physicians that are within your employer’s PPP, whose costs will be covered. If you choose not to be seen by physicians in your employer’s PPP, you can be seen by one physician of your choice, but further visits must be approved. If your employer does not have a PPP, you have the choice of any two providers.
Report Your Injury
You should report your injury to your supervisor or employer as soon as possible. This can be done by informing them in writing or informing them orally, but it should be done sooner than later. In order to receive benefits, your injury must be reported within 45 days of the accident.
Tell Your Doctor Your Injury Was Sustained at Work
You should tell your doctor that the reason you are seeing them is that you sustained an injury at work. By doing this, your medical bills will be sent directly to your employer instead of you and decreases the chances that your workers’ compensation claim is denied. You should also make sure that your medical notes specify that your injury was a work injury.
Make Sure Your Employer Submits a Report
All employers are required to submit an accident report to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission after you have told them about your injury. Your report will include your personal information, what you were doing at the time of the accident and how it occurred, the injury that resulted and how and when you were first treated for the injury. Make sure you ask for a copy of the report and keep it in your records.
Keep Track of Your Records
One of the most important things that you can do is to keep track of all of your pertinent records for your claim. You should keep all records of your doctor’s visits and any receipts for out-of-pocket medical care costs or supplies. It also cannot hurt to keep a journal of your recovery process and the things you are doing to get better.
Get Representation From a DuPage County Workplace Injury Attorney
Work injuries are almost always covered under your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, which they are required to have by Illinois law. If your employer does not want to pay out your compensation benefits, or you have difficulty obtaining those benefits, you should immediately contact a Wheaton workplace injury lawyer. The attorney at the Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. is well-versed in workers’ compensation and can help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Call the office at 630-665-5678 to set up a consultation.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.