Suit Filed as a Result of Attack at Six Flags
An Illinois family is claiming negligence by the employees of Six Flags Great America in a suit filed recently. The latest legal maneuver stems from injuries suffered at the hands of other park guests during a visit to the Gurnee theme park earlier this year.
The Attack
Three members of a family were allegedly attacked and beaten by what could be as many as 10 people when an incident escalated while park guests were waiting in line for one of the attractions. A woman, her husband, and their 12-year-old son all suffered physical injuries as a result of the altercation. Local 911 operators reported receiving more than one call from other park patrons who witnessed the melee. However, authorities have indicated that those alleged to have been responsible for the attack were permitted to leave the park before police could make contact.
The Aftermath
All three members of the family reported suffering a number of severe injuries due to punches and kicks administered by the alleged attackers. Nine individuals were charged in connection with the incident, including one adult who is facing aggravated battery, mob action and aggravated battery in a public place charges. Eight persons aged 15 to 17 were named in juvenile petitions as a result of their alleged involvement.
The Suit
In filing its suit, the family claims no members of the Six Flags Great America staff interceded or got involved prior to or during the attack. Additionally, the suit claims that the park failed to provide adequate security personnel, properly train employees on how to handle such incidents of violence and has no program in place for screening those park visitors that may pose a threat to other guests. Furthermore, park operators fail to provide adequate video surveillance and did not respond in a timely manner to help the victims.
The family is claiming it suffered “extreme permanent and debilitating physical, emotional, and psychological injuries" as a result of the mob attack that occurred at the theme park.
Rely on an Experienced Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney When Filing Suit
If you or a member of your family is injured at an amusement park, carnival or some other public attraction it is important to carefully weigh your options prior to filing any kind of personal injury claim. This is when an experienced and knowledgeable Illinois personal injury lawyer can provide the guidance you need to make the right decision, and proceed according to applicable laws. The Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. offers the resources you need to ensure every detail of your claim is reviewed thoroughly to avoid wasting time and money. Call 630-665-5678 to set up a free consultation.
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Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.