Tips For Preventing Slip and Fall Injuries for Seniors
Everyone has injuries now and then in their lives, but the older generation has a greater likelihood of injuring themselves in a fall. As we grow older, many people are less able to navigate obstacles and hazards as they once did. The human body changes with age and minor inconveniences become more difficult to maneuver. However, below we discuss a few easy tips that can be taken to prevent as many injuries as possible.
Discuss Falls with Your Doctor
A discussion with your doctor about your health and risk in a fall will give you an idea of the type of methods you should be taking to reduce the likelihood of a fall. The methods you take can depend on the types of medication you take, and how they combine with other medicines. Medicine can have side effects such as dizziness, being light-headed, and drowsiness. Knowing the types of side effects you may have will let you know more about your fall risk. Your doctor can also make a recommendation on the necessity of a walking aid such as a cane or walker. Using walking aids is sometimes necessary to decrease your danger of falling and injury.
Household Tips
It will also help you to take steps to reduce falls in your living space. Eliminating any unnecessary clutter on the floor or moving around furniture to make sure you have wide enough spaces to walk will decrease the chances of a fall. One of the more common rooms for a fall in the bathroom due to the wet surfaces. Installing a grab bar in your bathtub or shower and near the toilet will make it easier for you to stand up and decrease the likelihood of a fall. Railings may also be necessary on any stairs in your home. Making sure all areas of the house are properly lit to make sure there are no obstacles in the dark to trip on would also be beneficial.
Contact a Slip and Fall Attorney
If you believe that a landlord or commercial property owner has been negligent and created conditions contributing to a fall and injury, you may want to consider a personal injury lawsuit. The lawyers at The Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. would love to work with you on your case to make sure you receive the compensation you are due. Our considerate Wheaton personal injury attorneys are knowledgeable about many types of injury cases and have the skills necessary for your case. For a free initial consultation, contact us today at 630-665-5678.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.