Tips for Safe Driving in Illinois
The last thing anyone wants to deal with is filing a car accident claim. Car accidents are scary business and can leave you with not only physical injuries and pain but also emotional trauma. Though not all accidents can be prevented, many accidents can be avoided through safe driving practices. Injuries sustained during car accidents can be extensive, which is why you should try to avoid risky situations in the car at all times. Here are four tips to follow to help reduce your chances of a car accident:
Keep Your Attention on the Road
One of the biggest causes of accidents is distracted driving. You can be distracted by almost anything, but you should try to keep your attention on the road at all times. Many times, drivers are distracted by their cell phones, but the distraction is not always digital. Drivers can become distracted by other passengers in the vehicle, things outside of the vehicle or even something as simple as changing the air conditioning in the car.
Be a Defensive Driver
Being a defensive driver is one of the best ways to keep yourself safe on the road. You should always be aware of other drivers and your surroundings. Expect the unexpected when it comes to driving. Never assume that other drivers can see you or can anticipate your actions.
Maintain a Safe Following Distance
You should always keep at least a three-second distance between you and the car in front of you. Choose an object around the road, such as a sign - when the car in front of you passes it, count the seconds it takes before you pass the same object. If it takes you less than three seconds to pass the landmark, you are following too closely.
Always Use Your Turn Signals
Never assume that other drivers know your intentions. Your turn signals are there for a reason - use them. If you turn suddenly and do not use your signals, you could be the cause of an accident that can injure you and others.
Know When to Contact a Compassionate Illinois Car Accident Attorney
You can be the safest driver out there and follow all of these safe driving tips and still be in a car accident due to the negligence of others. When this is the situation, you may be entitled to compensation for damages caused by others. If you believe you were a victim of the negligence of another driver, you should contact a Bloomingdale car accident lawyer. Contact the Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. to determine whether or not you deserve compensation for your damages. Call the office at 630-665-5678 to set up a consultation.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.