Types of Workers’ Compensation Disability Benefits
Accidents happen--that is why all employers in Illinois are required to carry insurance for workers who get injured on the job. Workers’ compensation covers medical costs for all employees if they are hurt on the job and pays for expenses such as doctor’s visits, surgery, hospital stays, medication and physical therapy. In the case that an injury or illness makes you unable to work, you could be able to receive disability benefits, which vary based on whether the injury or illness is partial or full, or if it is temporary or permanent.
Temporary Partial Disability
When you are still healing from a work-related injury or illness, but are able to work part-time or have limited ability of what you can do at work, you might be eligible for temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits. This means that you are not earning as much as you would have been earning pre-injury. TPD benefits are usually two-thirds of the difference between your pre-injury weekly wage and your post-injury weekly wage. These benefits are paid to you until you are healed and can return to work.
Temporary Total Disability
When you need time off from work because of an injury or illness, you may be eligible for temporary total disability payments (TTD.) This means you cannot work at all, but only for a limited amount of time. TTD benefits are normally two-thirds of your weekly earnings, but are subject to state maximums, which change every six months. For the period between 1/15/18 and 7/14/18, the weekly maximum benefit amount was capped at $1,463.80.
Permanent Partial Disability
If you have a permanent disability from your injury or illness that partially impairs your ability to work, you could qualify for permanent partial disability benefits. PPD means that you are permanently disabled or disfigured, but you can still work. The maximum weekly rate for the loss of an eye or amputation is the same as permanent total disability, but for any other injuries or illnesses, the maximum weekly rate is $775.18. The amount of time these benefits are paid out depending on the nature of the illness or injury.
Permanent Total Disability
If your doctor deems you to have a permanent disability and unable to work at all, you could be eligible for permanent total disability benefits (PTD.) This is usually the case if you have injured both eyes, hands, arms, feet or legs, either by amputation or loss of use. PTD benefits are typically two-thirds of the worker’s wage, subject to maximums and minimums, and are paid for life. For the period between 1/15/18 and 7/14/18, the minimum benefit payout was $548.93 and the maximum payout was $1,463.80.
Seek Help From a Wheaton Worker’s Compensation Attorney
Workplace injuries are not only physically tolling, but also emotionally and financially tolling. If you’ve suffered an injury at work, it’s crucial that you seek counsel from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. With help from the Law Offices of David W. Clark, you can get the compensation that you deserve. Call 630-665-5678 to schedule a consultation.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.