What Are the Most Common Causes of Head-On Collisions in Illinois?
Despite national and local efforts to prevent car accidents, they still occur on a regular basis due to various reasons. There are many factors that can increase the likelihood of a vehicle collision, including driver behavior, inclement weather, and poor road conditions. Recent advances in automotive technology have been made to increase the safety of a car’s driver and passengers. From built-in cameras to visual and audible warnings, these can alert a motorist to a potential hazard near or approaching the car. Head-on crashes occur when two vehicles driving in opposite directions collide with each other. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reported a 58 percent fatality rate for vehicle occupants in front-impact crashes in 2017. They can result in devastating injuries and even wrongful death for drivers and passengers depending on the circumstances.
Factors that Can Lead to a Head-On Car Accident
In many instances of a head-on or frontal crash, one of the drivers is traveling the wrong way or driving into oncoming traffic. This can be due to impairment from driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol. The drunk driver may mistakenly merge onto a one-way street. Because his or her reflexes are delayed, he or she may not be able to stop in time before hitting an approaching car. Likewise, being fatigued behind the wheel can cause a motorist to swerve into oncoming lanes of traffic, especially if there is not a median to divide the lanes.
In other cases, when traveling over the posted speed limit, a driver may try to make it through an intersection on a yellow or red light. If there is another automobile making a left turn, they can hit each other head-on. In some cases, faulty parts may lead to brakes or steering to fail, which may result in a driver losing control of his or her car. Bad weather can also lead to reduced visibility so a driver is unable to properly navigate signs and traffic signals.
Below are a few of the main behaviors or issues that can cause a head-on collision:
- Distracted driving (texting, talking, eating, putting on makeup)
- Operating a vehicle while intoxicated
- Drowsy driving
- Speeding
- Inclement weather conditions (rain, snow, fog)
- Equipment malfunction
Injuries Suffered in a Head-On Crash
Due to the nature and force of the impact in a head-on collision, occupants can sustain serious to life-threatening and even fatal injuries. Glass from windows can be shattered and strike passengers in the head or eyes. In addition, when airbags are deployed, significant bruising and even fractures can occur depending on the speed at which the vehicles were traveling. Even with seat belts, occupants can be slammed against the side of the vehicle or be ejected from the car in some cases.
The following are a few examples of the serious injuries passengers can suffer when they are involved in a frontal crash:
- Head trauma (TBI, decapitation)
- Back and neck injuries
- Spinal cord damage (paralysis)
- Disfigurement
- Broken bones
Contact a Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney
Any type of vehicle accident can have devastating consequences for those involved. If you or your loved one was seriously hurt in a car crash, it may be the fault of another negligent driver. Attorney David W. Clark, P.C. has more than 20 years of experience successfully representing clients in personal injury cases and securing the compensation they need and deserve. Our seasoned DuPage County car accident lawyers will examine the circumstances that led to your injuries to determine liability to hold those accountable for your pain and suffering. To schedule your free consultation, call us today at 630-665-5678.
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Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.