What Are the Most Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries in Illinois?
When a person falls or is struck by an object, the resulting injury can range from minor to severe. Shoulder injuries are very common regardless of an individual’s age. This type of injury can occur if someone slips and falls and lands on his or her shoulder, causing a fracture, broken bones, or torn ligaments. Damage to the arm and shoulder can also be the result of an automobile, motorcycle, or bicycle accident. This is especially common in cases where another driver or rider was distracted or operating his or her vehicle recklessly. It is imperative to know your rights to compensation if your shoulder injury was caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another person.
Damage to the Rotator Cuff
Torn rotator cuffs are some of the most common shoulder injuries. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the top of your upper arm bone secured in the socket of the shoulder. Torn rotator cuffs can begin with a dull ache, but if they do not heal properly, they can require surgery to repair and significant rehabilitation.
A tear in the shoulder’s rotator cuff can be caused by repetitive motion, or it can result from a sudden and unexpected impact or trauma.
Here are some common ways that a rotator cuff and the shoulder, in general, can be damaged:
- Slip and fall: If a person trips or slips and loses his or her balance, it can likely end up in a fall. Slick or dirty surfaces or pavement littered with debris can cause this type of accident. Property owners may be at fault if they do not properly maintain safe areas or facilities.
- Car accident: A vehicle crash can be sudden, and the impact of the collision can be severe. Occupants may hit the windshield or can even be thrown from the car. This type of trauma can cause significant damage to many body parts, including the shoulder. In many cases, a negligent driver’s actions may have caused the accident.
- Bicycle Accident: When riding a bike, there is little protection for the rider except for a helmet, which safeguards only the head. If a biker is struck by a distracted driver or bicyclist, he or she may lose control and fall off the bike, landing directly on his or her shoulder. The force of the impact can result in a muscle tear or a fracture.
- Workplace injury: Certain jobs require repeated motion or actions, such as construction work, painting, or assembly line production. Similar to carpal tunnel syndrome from working on the computer, repetitive overhead motion can take its toll over time. The muscles may become weak due to overuse. In other scenarios, a worker may hurt his or her shoulder due to unsafe working conditions, especially if proper safety precautions are not taken.
Without the proper treatment, rotator cuff issues may lead to permanent loss of motion and may result in weakness and degeneration of the shoulder joint. In some cases, a complete physical recovery is impossible, and chronic pain and disability can linger. This can seriously impact the use of the arm and the injured party’s ability to work. A tear can be full or partial, and surgery may be necessary to fix it. Even with or without surgery, extensive physical therapy is typically required to regain full use of the shoulder.
Contact a Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney
Although it may not seem very serious at first, a shoulder injury can be debilitating. If you or someone you know hurt your shoulder in any way, you should seek legal counsel to understand your rights. Depending on the circumstances, you may have been a victim if someone else’s negligence caused your pain and suffering. The experienced Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. will advocate for your rights to make sure you receive the compensation you need and deserve to fully recover. Our tenacious Bloomingdale shoulder injury lawyers will carefully review the details of your claim and represent you with dignity and respect. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 630-665-5678.
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Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.