What Is the Difference Between the Types of Benefits Available to Injured Workers?
When you are injured due to your line of work, it can be devastating. Not only do you suffer from the physical effects of your injury or illness, but you can also begin to struggle financially from time missed at work and unexpected medical bills. Fortunately, if you are injured while you are at work, chances are you are covered under your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. Unfortunately, not all workers, injuries or employers are covered under workers’ compensation, which is where an Illinois workers’ compensation attorney can help you recover much-needed benefits.
Understanding the Different Types of Benefits
If you are found to have suffered an injury at work, you will have access to certain benefits that can help you get back on your feet after an injury, or that can provide you with assistance if you are determined to be disabled. These benefits include:
- Medical care costs: If you are injured at work, your employer will be responsible for paying all of the associated medical care that is needed to fully heal or recover a person’s injury. These costs could include emergency care, doctor’s visits, surgery, prescription costs, physical therapy, chiropractic care and more.
- Temporary disability: During the time you are healing, you may not be able to return to work. If you are only temporarily unable to work because of your injury, you may be able to claim temporary total disability (TTD) or temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits.
- Vocational rehabilitation: If you are unable to return to your same job that you were working when you were injured, you may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation. This benefit pays for costs relating to vocational retraining and counseling for job searching.
- Permanent disability: Permanent partial disability (PPD) payments are paid when a worker completely or partially loses a body part or the use of a body part. In severe cases, permanent total disability (PTD) payments may be made if the worker sustains a disability that prevents them from doing any kind of work.
- Death benefits: If a worker is killed because of a work injury, the family may be able to recover death benefits. These benefits include the cost of the funeral or burial and monthly payments based off of the deceased’s wages.
Our Wheaton, IL Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help
Receiving payment for a work injury is not always as easy as filing your claim and waiting for money to be deposited into your account, requiring the need for a skilled DuPage County workers’ compensation lawyer. If you are experiencing issues with your workers’ compensation claim or you have received a denial, you should speak with the team at the Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. We can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injury. To schedule a free consultation with Attorney David W. Clark, call our office today at 630-665-5678.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.