What Kind of Workplace Injuries Require Rehabilitation?
There are many different occupations throughout the United States in various types of industries. Some jobs are inherently more dangerous than others. For example, a construction worker or warehouse employee may be exposed to certain hazardous conditions in the field, while a librarian most likely does not encounter dangers in a typical workday. Accidents can happen, and depending on the circumstances, they can result in minor to serious injuries. In some cases, a victim may require surgery or significant rehabilitation to recover. Thankfully, employees in Illinois can seek relief from their employer through a workers’ compensation claim.
The Road to Recovery Can Be Long
Many injuries to the body can require physical rehabilitation. If an injury or medical condition suffered on the job has limited a person’s ability to function on a daily basis, he or she may need physical therapy. This type of therapy can relieve pain, restore range of motion, and improve muscle tone, strength, endurance, and balance. By using a combination of heat and cold, ultrasound, laser therapy, exercise, and more, an individual may gain full recovery of his or her injured body part. Studies have shown that the sooner a victim starts physical therapy, the better the outcome.
Some of the most common workplace accidents can result in the following types of injuries that may require rehab to mend:
- Back or neck injury
- Head trauma
- Broken bones
- Sprains or strains
- Burns to the skin
Employers in Illinois are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance in the event an employee is hurt at work. In some cases, defective or inadequate maintenance of machinery can cause a workplace accident. For instance, if a machine, vehicle, or scaffolding malfunctions, a worker can become pinned, trapped, or crushed underneath it. Toxic chemicals may cause an explosion, resulting in third-degree burns to the face or hands, requiring skin grafts.
It is also worth noting that if an injury involved a third party such as a contractor or trucking company, an employee may be able to seek compensation from them in addition to a workers’ compensation claim.
Contact a Wheaton Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
An injury suffered at work can result in a lifetime of medical complications. In some situations, the recovery can be long and filled with complications. In some cases, it can require multiple surgeries or extensive rehabilitation. At the Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C., we are skilled at obtaining full and fair compensation for our clients’ injuries for more than two decades. Our tenacious DuPage County workplace injury attorneys will help you fill out and file the necessary paperwork, and we can also assist you with the appeals process. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 630-665-5678.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.