What to Do After a Car Crash in Illinois
You have just gotten into a car accident and you are panicking because you do not know what to do next. This has never happened to you before, so you have no prior knowledge to draw from. Who do you call? What do you do first? What do you do if you are hurt? These are questions that will probably arise if you ever find yourself in the precarious situation of a car accident. You may think it is not likely to happen to you, but statistics say otherwise. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were over 6 million traffic accidents reported to police in 2016. Understanding the appropriate steps you should take after an accident can ensure that you are compensated for your damages.
Immediately After the Crash
Stay Safe
The first thing you should do is make sure that you are in a safe location after the accident. If your vehicle is obstructing traffic, move to a safe place, but be sure you do not leave the scene of the accident. If you are injured and there is a risk of further injury if you move, stay put.
Call For Help
Your next step is to call 911 to report the accident and get help to the scene. When the police and ambulance arrive, follow any instructions that they give you. It is important that you call the police, even if anyone is not hurt so that you can file a legal accident report that can benefit you once you come to submit a claim to your insurance company.
Call Your Insurance Company
Next, you should give your insurance company a call to let them know about the accident. They might give you specific instructions to follow in order to submit a claim later on. You should also request a tow truck if one is needed.
Gather Information
It is important to understand that you should never admit fault for the accident, even if you think you may be at fault. You should also limit any conversation about the accident with others who are involved. Try to only talk to police, emergency responders and your insurance agent about the details of the accident.
Information that you will need to file a claim can be a lot--you will need information about the other driver and their vehicle, and you will also need information about the accident itself. Information about the other driver includes:
- Their name, address and phone number;
- Their insurance company name and policy number;
- The make, model and year of their vehicle; and
- Their vehicle’s registration information and license plate number.
Information you will need about the accident includes:
- The date, time and approximate area of the accident;
- The directions you and the other car were traveling;
- What happened during the accident;
- Weather and road conditions during the accident;
- Witness names and contact information; and
- Police names, badge numbers, and contact information.
Seek Representation from a Wheaton Car Accident Attorney
If you have been in a car accident, you know how scary and frustrating they can be. Not only are you dealing with the damages from the accident, but then you have to deal with the insurance company and fight for your rightful compensation. You need the help of a DuPage County car accident attorney. When you put your case into the hands of the Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C., you are trusting their years of experience and proven track record. Call 630-665-5678 to schedule a consultation.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.