What Types of Warehouse Accidents Can Lead to Workplace Injuries?
Working in a warehouse can be a challenging job. This field typically requires a lot of physical activity. For example, a worker might be required to lift heavy objects or move large pieces of machinery or equipment. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), an employee is injured at work every seven seconds. Further research by the NSC found that in 2017, the highest number of preventable fatal injuries was in the construction industry, followed by transportation and warehousing. In many cases, prevention can spare workers unnecessary pain and suffering caused by a workplace injury. However, an employee is eligible for financial relief through a workers’ compensation claim.
Common Dangers Associated with Warehouse Work
A warehouse can involve many people working at a fast pace with a large inventory of products and many machines, including forklifts, conveyor belts, and pallet racks. Even if certain safety precautions are taken, accidents can and do happen. A few of the typical hazards that can lead to warehouse accidents with injuries include the following:
- Large equipment/heavy materials
- Slips and trips
- Falls
- Fires/explosions
- Exposure to toxic substances
- Moving parts
- Falling objects
- Lack of training/proper safety measures
In some of the above cases, a faulty part breaks and comes loose from a machine, hitting a worker. Falling from a ladder can result in broken bones or significant head trauma. This can lead to temporary or permanent brain damage depending on the impact and how high up a person was when he or she fell.
If a fire breaks out in a warehouse, it can ignite flammable materials and spread quickly, causing serious burns to employees. Contact with toxic chemicals may result in damage to the skin or eyes.
In addition, repetitive motion from working on an assembly line can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome or even nerve damage. Back and neck injuries are commonly caused by repeated lifting, twisting, and turning.
It is important to know that most employers in Illinois are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Therefore, regardless if the accident was the employee’s fault or the employer’s wrongdoing, he or she is still entitled to benefits to cover medical costs and lost wages during his or her recovery period.
Contact a DuPage County Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Suffering an injury while performing your warehouse job can be devastating in more ways than one. Depending on the severity of your injuries, it can lead to major medical procedures as well as time off work. The Law Offices of David W. Clark, P.C. understand how complicated it can be to file a workers’ comp claim with your employer. Our knowledgeable Wheaton workplace injury attorneys will work hard to ensure you receive financial relief for your damages, including lost wages and medical bills. To schedule your free consultation, call us today at 630-665-5678.
Free Initial Consultation
Our attorneys aggressively pursue every avenue to ensure that you are properly compensated for your pain and suffering, medical costs, or lost wages as soon as possible. You pay nothing until you receive the judgment or settlement you deserve.